

Mugwort is a perennial plant that often reaches up to 1.5 m in height. The stem is erect, woody on the underside, brown-red, strongly branched and densely leafy. The leaves grow alternately, the leaves are up to 20 cm long, the lower ones are on short stems, the upper ones are sessile. The leaves are divided into two or three parts, tufted, with smooth or slightly serrated edges. The upper side of the leaf is dark green, the lower side is silvery gray. Inflorescences are numerous, located at the base of the plant, in the form of spikes. The fruit is formed as a spindle-shaped cotyledon. Blooms from June-July to August-September.

The plant likes to grow on roadsides, fences, clearings and dumps. In the past, special magical properties were attributed to this plant, on Ligo, wreaths were made from them, which protected against any magical effects for the whole year. This plant has been used in medicine since ancient times.

For medicinal purposes, the above-ground part of the plant is used, but the root can also be used. The above-ground part is harvested throughout the flowering period. For medicinal purposes, the upper part of the plant, which has not yet had time to become woody, is harvested. Hay is dried in bundles or on sieves, spreading them in a thin layer, occasionally turning the plant to the other side, as usual - in well-ventilated rooms that are not exposed to direct sunlight. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. The smell of the plant is not there, very pleasant - the smell is balsamic, the taste is a bit bitter.

The parts of the root that have not become woody are harvested in late autumn or early spring - the root of the plant can be harvested when its stems have dried up and have not yet resumed growth. The excavated roots are cleaned of sand, rinsed in cold running water, cut out the soft parts and dried on sieves or in forced dryers not exceeding 60C. The validity period of the roots is 3 years.

The plant contains a lot of bitter substances and essential oils. The essential oil includes cineole, borneol and the ketone thujone. In addition, carotene, thiamine, ascorbic acid, aldehydes, choline, inulin are also found in the plant. The roots contain up to 1% essential oil, mucilage, tannins and resins, inulin, vegetable oil, sugar; in leaves - carotene, ascorbic acid.

Medicinal significance

The plant also contains artemisinin (used to treat cancer) and santonin (an anti-helminthic).

Water infusions and decoctions of common waterwort have soothing, antipyretic, anticonvulsant, bleeding stopping, temperature reducing, wound healing, generally strengthening properties, as well as the functioning of the digestive organs and improve appetite.

Mugwort affects the action of histamine, which increases the permeability of capillaries. Medicine pays little attention to Mugwort , giving preference to its "strong" sister - wormwood, although in terms of effect, Mugwort can be equivalent, maybe a little weaker, but gentler in its effect. But Mugwort can also be used as wormwood to stimulate the release of gastric juice and bowel function, it promotes the return of bile and improves liver function. Mugwort is a great alternative to wormwood, because not everyone can stand the taste of wormwood, of course, if used for appropriate purposes, because wormwood also has other properties that Mugwort does not have.

A decoction of the surface part of Vybotne is used to stimulate the appetite, as an analgesic and sedative in case of neurasthenia and intestinal colitis. The plant is widely used in homeopathy.

In folk medicine, preparations are used to treat gastritis, insomnia, convulsions, bronchial asthma; externally - for washing wounds and ulcers. Also in the medicine of other nations, this herb is used orally as a pain reliever, diaphoretic, anti-helminth and sedative. Also used in case of kidney stones; externally - for the treatment of rickets, rinsing in case of inflammation of the oral mucosa, to treat long non-healing wounds.

For men

In folk medicine, Mugwort seeds are used to treat impotence and inflammation of the urinary tract. In mixtures, the plant is used for prostate adenoma and nephrolithiasis.

Not recommended for use

When using the plant in large doses and for a long time, disorders of the nervous system may occur. Therefore, the treatment course is on average 2 weeks long. In cases where it is necessary to repeat the course, there must be a 2-week break between the previous course and the new one.

This plant should not be used during pregnancy and lactation! It will also not be valid if a person suffers from migraine, thyrotoxicosis, anemia, enterocolitis, stomach ulcer (especially during the exacerbation period), as well as in case of individual intolerance.


For cosmetic purposes, all kinds of wormwood are used, both common wormwood, wormwood, and other less common medicinal plants in Latvia. Wormwood contains one unique compound, artemisinin, which produces antitumor, anthelmintic and antibacterial properties. Of course, these plants also contain organic acids, essential oils, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Mugwort and common wormwood are most often used in medicinal cosmetics, although they are more commonly found in folk medicine, they are used as infusions and decoctions. Mugwort extract has soothing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and moisturizing properties and promotes hair growth.

These plants are able to solve many and various aesthetic skin problems. After using wormwood extract, the skin becomes firm and stretched, its texture and color improved.

High concentration extracts are used for washing the head. They regulate the sebaceous glands of the scalp and also improve the blood supply to the hair follicles, which stimulates hair growth. The setting also has a destructive effect on the fungal culture and pathogenic bacteria, due to which dandruff often appears. Due to its anti-itch and wound-healing effect, wormwood preparations can be successfully used to treat seborrhea and fight against dandruff.

Most often, wormwood is used in cosmetics with the following effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Protective;
  • Seboregulating.

In dermatology, these plants are used to fight all kinds of skin inflammations and to get rid of various skin defects. Extracts act on irritation, redness, itching and swelling. Mugwort is also great for treating the scalp and fighting hair loss. In addition, wormwood is used in remedies associated with excessive sweating.

Mugwort does not cause any side effects and is safe for external use, except in cases of individual intolerance or allergy to the plant.