

A perennial plant of the hemp family with a winding stem. Flowers of each sex are on their own plant. The stem of the winding liana is four-sided and covered with spines.

Male flowers green to yellow. After flowering, the female flowers form a hop cone - it is rich in various valuable organic substances.

Blooms from July to August.

It is common to find this plant in backyard gardens, but it often grows in the wild, more often it takes up residence in some willow groves, where it can easily wind. It also likes deciduous forest clearings.

When it is time to harvest hop fruits, it can be determined by several characteristics:

  • Monitor the condition of the cones starting from the second half of August;
  • The scales of the cone should become yellowish-brownish;
  • Ripe hops become a bit sticky and stick to your fingers;
  • When squeezed, they quickly return to their original position;

It is important to collect hops in time and not to collect already browned cones, because they have practically lost their medicinal effect, but you can already fill pillows with them and they will have a calming effect.

Medicinal significance

Perennial creeper, which is used as a sedative.

Hops are used for insomnia, nervous overwork, increased excitement, vegetative dystonia (especially hypertonic type), hysteria, climatic disorders.

In dermatology, hops are used in seborrheic eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and hair loss.

Hops are commonly used as an ingredient in herbal blends and bioactive nutritional supplements.

Hop cones have a calming, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, bactericidal effect. Substances that provide these properties are bitter substances, phenolic compounds and essential oils.

The bitter substance lipulin has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Likewise, the components of essential oils - volatile alcohols, whose concentration increases directly during the drying process, reaching a maximum after 2 years of storage - are also responsible for the sedative effect of hops. For sedative effects, hops are usually used in mixtures with valerian or some other herb.

Experiments have also determined the hypotensive and anti-cardiac arrhythmia effects of hops. Medicinal products containing hop resin have been experimentally determined to accelerate tissue regeneration, improve blood composition and activate gastric secretions.

Hop bitter substances have strong antiseptic properties. They reduce the growth rate of phytopathogenic fungi, even destroying some, reduce the growth of dermatocots, practically stop the development of gram-positive and acid-resistant and, when used in high concentrations, also gram-negative bacteria. Alpha and beta acids, which are made up of hop resin, have antibiotic properties.

Hop essential oil is also effective against gram-positive bacteria and fungi.

Hop bitter substances stimulate appetite and improve digestive processes. When using a decoction of hops, it enhances gastric secretion and evacuation properties, especially useful for patients with gastritis with reduced acid content.

Flavonoids and vitamins act as anti-ulcer and capillary strengthening elements.

Phenolic compounds of hops are strong antioxidants, chalcones and flavanones neutralize all free radicals, reduce the possibility of oxidation of free radicals, which can cause atherosclerosis, inflammation, carcinogenesis and other pathological processes.

Hops also have a beneficial effect on fat, mineral and substance exchange processes.

Hop cones have estrogenic activity. There is an assumption that it is this hormonal activity that is related to the ability to reduce male sexual arousal.

In folk medicine, the infusion, decoction and infusion are used as a sedative for the treatment of insomnia, prevention of nervous excitement, epilepsy, hysteria, neurasthenia, neuralgia, dizziness, cardioneurosis, increased sexual excitability, frequent pollution, painful erections, climatic neurosis, heart failure, vomiting, pregnancy during and for young children, seasickness, nocturnal incontinence.

As a sleeping aid, hops are used to fill pillows - especially useful when you cannot take medicine.

Water infusions from a ready hop cone are recommended to improve digestion, appetite in case of hyposecretory gastritis, gastroenteritis, gallbladder disease, infectious-toxic liver damage, viral hepatitis and jaundice.

Hop cones are used for kidney diseases, inflammation of the bladder and its pathways, and cystitis. It is also often used for flu, cough, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.

Folk medicine recommends using hop flowers in case of lung, stomach and liver cancer. An infusion of the leaves can be used to improve eyesight, as well as to treat prostatitis and worm infestations.

A decoction and infusion of hops is used in cases of amonorrhea, dysmenorrhea, estrogen deficiency, as well as hyperlactation or cessation of lactation.

Externally applied as compresses and ointments to treat joints, radiculitis, burns, frostbite, bruises, fungal diseases, infected wounds; bath in rheumatism and gout.

Not recommended for use

Common hop is a poisonous plant. In case of overdose, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, heart pain and shortness of breath are observed. An allergic reaction to this plant is also observed.

Medicinal Recipes

Setting of hop cones: pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of crushed drogue and bathe in warm water for 15 minutes, cool and separate from the pulp. Take ¼ cup 3 times a day, before meals, externally this solution can be used as a compress by wetting a gauze bandage.

Decoction of mistletoe cones: pour 200ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the drug, boil for 20-30 minutes, then separate the pulp. Take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day.

The plant contains lupulin. It is used 0.15-0.2gr, 3 times a day. Lupulin overdose (1-2gr per day) can cause vomiting, stomach pain, feeling of fatigue, headache.

Ointment from hop cones: the drugs are crushed into powder and combined with vegetable oil, weight ratio 1:4. It is used externally as an analgesic and wound healing agent.

Alcoholic extract: 1 part by weight of hop cones and 4 parts of alcohol. Set in the dark for 2 weeks. Use this extract for nervous diseases, insomnia, as well as lung diseases accompanied by insomnia. Use 2 times a day before meals and before sleep. The dosage is 5-7 drops per teaspoon. The same extract and in the same dose is used in case of gastritis and worms.

Water solution (1:20) is used to promote appetite, improve digestion, in case of gastroenteritis and stomach catarrh. It can also be used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, in case of bladder and urinary tract inflammation, kidney inflammation, gall bladder and liver diseases (one tablespoon 3 times a day).

Often, hop infusion is used as a sedative in cases of increased nervous tension and insomnia. In such cases, prepare a solution with the calculation of 2 teaspoons of hop cone drug per 1 glass of boiling water - drink warm overnight.

Hop powder is taken ½ teaspoon, 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, drinking water.

The solution is prepared: 1 tablespoon of hop cones, pour 500ml of boiling water, let it settle for 2 hours and separate the layers. Take ½ cup 4 times a day, before meals.

Preparation of alcohol extract: 1 tablespoon of hop cones, pour 200ml of vodka (40%), leave for 9 days and separate the layers. Use 10-15 drops, 3 times a day. 

Importance of food

We all know hops as a plant that is widely used in the beer industry. But also from the food point of view, it is a valuable plant. Hops wake up in early spring, in April-May, when the first shoots appear above the ground. Then these shoots are harvested and used in the same way as asparagus. You can equally use the roots of hops, which are harvested in spring or autumn, as much as they are more difficult to obtain than the young shoots.

Diet recipes

Boiled common hop roots

200 gr. hop roots, 800 gr. water, 10 gr. salt.

Washed and cut roots are boiled in salt water and served as a side dish to meat and fish dishes.

Roasted common hop roots

200 gr. hop roots, 40 gr. fat, 6 gr. salt, 1 onion head.

Hop roots are boiled in salt water, fried in fat, mixed with onion stewed in a pan and continue to fry for another 3-5 minutes.

Serve as a side dish or as an independent dish.

Common hop soup with sorrel

160 gr. hop roots, 40 gr. sorrel, 40 gr. oatmeal, 40 gr. cream, 2 glasses of water, salt, spices.

Boil the flakes for 10-15 minutes, add finely chopped hop roots and sorrel, salt, boil for another 15-20 minutes. Add cream and spices.

The usual hop sauce with mushrooms

300 gr. tomato sauce, 100 gr. onion, 150 gr. fresh mushrooms (or 30 gr. dried), 15 gr. margarine, 10 gr butter, 50 gr. dry wine, 10 gr. hops, salt, pepper.

Chopped mushrooms are added to the fried onion in a pan and continue to stew for 5 minutes, add tomato sauce and stew for another 15 minutes. Add the decoction of ordinary hop cones (boil 100 gr. water), wine and add butter. Serve as an accompaniment to meat dishes.

Ordinary hop porridge

100 gr. hop roots, 200 gr. milk, 100 gr. water, salt.

Hop roots are boiled in water for 20-30 minutes, salted, milk is added and boiled for another 10 minutes.

Cosmetic significance

Common hops is known in brewing and as one of the most powerful sedative herbs, but it is no less valuable in cosmetics. In cosmetics, ordinary hops are used in the form of extracts, which are added to various cosmetics, less often as a mono extract. Hop extract acts widely and specifically as a rejuvenating, soothing, anti-inflammatory and tonic agent.

Common hop extract is no less popular in hair care - it gives hair shine and strength.

Common hops are considered to be one of the most complete plants, which are a source of phytoestrogens - hormone-like substances that help ensure a natural and healthy skin tone and maintain its tone. These natural compounds reduce skin aging, as they stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers, strengthen the dermal matrix, and prevent inflammatory processes. Common hops extract helps to reduce the visibility of the small capillaries and vascular network under the skin.

Common hops extract contains many valuable antioxidants and compounds, as well as essential oils, minerals and vitamins, which are no less important than phytoestrogens. Myrcene, caryophyllene, farnesene and humulene - aromatic compounds that provide an antiseptic and astringent effect - are responsible for the healing properties of common hops. Common hops extract has impressive astringent and tonic properties, and mild antibacterial and whitening properties.

In cosmetology, the extract of common hops is traditionally included in various products that strengthen the hair. This product perfectly restores the balance of fats in the hair and scalp, improves the metabolic processes of the skin, prevents the formation of dandruff and hair loss.

The secret is that the valuable phytocompounds of hops help to open the pores of the scalp, thus accessing the hair follicles and protecting them. As a result, hair loss is reduced and dandruff is cured. Lupulin - the active substance of ordinary hop extract, which removes inflammation and irritation, soothes the skin in the hairy part of the head - has similar properties.

Common hops is a very valuable plant, which is used mainly to care for aging skin. Hops will also help treat dry and flaky skin, and hops will help with sunburn.

In practice, there are cases when ordinary hop helps to deal with hypo- and hyperpigmentation - in this case, applications of ordinary hop are used locally. This plant will also help with acne and pimples, as well as get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

There are no pronounced side effects to this plant, so much as if there is an increased sensitivity to it! It is good to know that the extract of common hops has a strong coloring effect - skin toning.