

Heather - a creeping, strongly branched, evergreen plant from 30 cm to a meter in height. Small leaves up to 2.5 m long and 2 mm wide. The flowers are usually pale purple, purple pink, very rarely white. Fruit - a box, with a lot of heather seeds. The plant reproduces with the help of the root. Roots can also grow on the side shoots of the heather, eventually breaking off from the main seedling and taking root as a separate bush.

For medicinal purposes, the above-ground parts of heather are collected. The ends are cut with secateurs. The plant is collected starting from August to September - during the heather flowering. The collected plant is dried on fine sieves or cloth, spreading it in a thin layer, in a well-ventilated place, necessarily in the shade. As the plant dries, the flowers and leaves are shaken off the stems and stored in paper bags. Drugs are valid for 1 year.

Scientists have determined that sycamore contains alkaloids, flavonoids - kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, saponins, tannins, mineral salts with a high calcium content, organic acids - citric acid and fumaric acid, as well as glycosides arbutin, enzyme arbutase, glycosides erikonin, provitamin A, rubbers, microelements, resins and starches.

Medicinal significance

It has been proven that the substances on Heather promote the removal of excess uric acid from the body. The plant's anti-inflammatory properties allow it to be used even in severe forms of pyelonephritis. By placing the top of the cypress in alcohol, we get a powerful remedy against pulmonary tuberculosis. The Heather are included in various stomach-healing and soothing tea blends.

Studies have determined that the Heather has astringent, mucociliary, antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, expectorant, sedative, antimicrobial and diaphoretic properties.

In folk medicine, heather is a favorite plant for the treatment of various urological diseases, as well as in cases of chronic pyelonephritis, diarrhea, gastric catarrh, enteroclitus. Heather tea is an excellent diaphoretic and diuretic. The heather remedy can be successfully used to treat arthritis, gout, rheumatism, deforming arthrosis.

Externally, Heather is used as a wound healing agent, also in case of eczema, scabies, dermatitis, bruises, edema and allergic rashes. Heather tea is used for colds, as it has a diaphoretic effect and promotes expectoration. It can also be drunk as a diuretic to get rid of sand and stones in the bladder, as well as reduce inflammation in it. Heather will also help fight colic, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

A decoction of heather treats nervous exhaustion, menstrual discomfort, stimulates digestion, is used in case of menopause. It can also be used as a rinse for the treatment of tonsillitis, angina and stomatitis.

There is a belief that if a decoction of heather is applied to the scalp, it strengthens the hair and stimulates its better growth. Traditionally, a decoction of heather is used in baths to treat arthritis, gout, rheumatism, eczema, and it will also effectively help with frostbite.

Applications of heather can be placed on burns, wounds, bruises and inflammations, as well as on allergic rashes. The honey of heather is also very valuable - heather is a valuable honey plant. Tea with heather honey is an excellent remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma and various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. It purifies the blood and helps remove toxins from the body. Like heather decoctions, honey is also an effective diuretic and promotes the removal of stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder. One teaspoon of heather honey at night will be able to provide a sound sleep.

For men

Heather preparations are used to solve various urological problems (cystitis, prostatitis, kidney stones, kidney inflammation, renal colic, chronic pyelonephritis, uraturia, etc.)

Not recommended for use

No significant side effects have been observed for heather, but doctors recommend using preparations containing heather carefully, observing the recommended doses.

Cosmetic significance

The precious flower tops of heather are an excellent antioxidant that can be useful in the care of oily, problem, combination and sagging skin. In cosmetics, cypress heather has an antibacterial, astringent, mild whitening, anti-inflammatory and mild stimulating effect. Heather r is used in cosmetics mainly as an anti-inflammatory antiseptic with an additional tonic and astringent effect.

The extract, which is obtained from the flowering tops of heather, contains a powerful cocktail of flavonoids and tannins, which makes it possible to use it for cosmetic purposes. Antioxidants that heather is rich in are quercetin and myricetin derivatives. In addition, heather extract contains arbutin, polysaccharides, triterpenes and iridoids, organic acids, proanthocyanides, essential substances and other biologically active elements. All of them provide antiseptic wound healing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

Heather extract has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting (antibacterial), astringent, tonic, reparative and cleansing effects. Due to its tonic and detoxifying properties, heather in cosmetics also has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Heather is a proven product with photoprotective properties, it will help to clean the skin if you have received sunburn or household burns. Also, it can be used as a remedy for seborrhea, it is able to regulate the activity of sebaceous glands in the scalp.

Heather is suitable for the care of all skin types, but it will be especially valuable for the care of oily, problematic, combination and loose skin, if it is inflamed, regardless of the cause of the inflammation. A decoction of heather is often used in baths to fight various skin diseases, as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and reparative agent. THIS remedy is also recommended for bags under the eyes.

Here are the main functions of using a Heather:

  • To protect the skin from disease-causing bacteria;
  • As a remedy that soothes irritated skin;
  • As an astringent in inflammation;
  • As in the case of acne breakouts;
  • To tone flabby and tired skin;
  • To stimulate regeneration processes in the skin;
  • To strengthen the hair;
  • To care for inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • Normal, dry, oily and combination hair will regain shine and health under the influence of heather.

Heather does not cause any side effects, except for cases of individual intolerance to some component of the plant!