field Horsetail


Field Horsetail is a perennial plant with a long, creeping rhizome and fine roots. In early spring, the plant forms unbranched, red-brown stems up to 25 cm tall, at the top of which is a spore cone. The spores mature in May, after which the stem dies and a barren, branched, green plant 30-60cm in height is formed. It has many branches, they are directed obliquely upwards. Leaves not developed. The summer green stems are rough, abrasive to the touch, this is due to the silicic acid crystals that form on it.

The above-ground part of the summer green plant is used for medicinal purposes. They are collected throughout the summer, quickly dried in the shade or in dryers, not exceeding a temperature of 40-50C.

The plant contains flavonoids (kaempferol, apigenin, saponaretin, naringenin, dihydrokaempferol, equisetrin, isoquercetin, luteolin); ascorbic acid (<0.2%), carotene, malic acid, aconitic acid, oxalic acid, sitosterol, tannins, alkaloids (nicotine, palustrine), silicic acid derivatives (<25%), vegetable fats, bitter substances, resins, macro and microelements.

Medicinal significance

Field Horsetail acts as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

In people with heart decompression diseases accompanied by edema, horsetail increases diuresis up to 2 times. The effect appears already in the first days of using the plant and continues for another 2-3 days after stopping the use of the plant.

When silicic acid breaks down in water, it forms salts that are easily absorbed in the digestive tract. In urine, silicic acid crystals form protective colloids that prevent the formation of crystals of other mineral components, preventing the formation of stones in the bladder.

For healthy people, this plant does not cause side effects, but long-term use can cause inflammation of the kidney parenchyma, so its use is not always safe.

Multiple studies have determined that horsetail also has bleeding-stopping and anti-inflammatory properties. Decoctions of black currant improve phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

The plant has detoxifying properties, it is able to remove lead from the body, therefore this plant can be used in cases of poisoning with this metal.

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions from the plants are used in the treatment of lung and respiratory diseases, bladder diseases, internal bleeding, malaria, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, various forms of diabetes, heart failure, atherosclerosis and high arterial blood pressure. The properties of the plant are also used to treat gout and rheumatism.

In folk medicine, Field Horsetail is used in mixtures, which are also applied externally in case of ulcers and old wounds. Applications, compresses, baths are made from the settlement and fresh juice to treat abscesses, furuncles, ringworm, eczema, osteomyelitis, skin tuberculosis.

The juice of this plant can be mixed together with the juice of the Ground-elder and get an effective remedy to treat upper respiratory tract and bronchial diseases.

The plant is also used to suppress the vomiting reflex, which is useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, liver and gall bladder and bronchial diseases.

Not recommended for use

It is not recommended to use the plant during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of kidney diseases (nephritis, nephrosis). It should be understood that the plant contains substances that can harm your body if overdosed.

Importance of food

For food purposes, the cobs of the plant, which are found in the spring, are collected. Before the plant turns into a "tree", the plant first has a spore cone, then it dies and the usual form of the plant emerges from the ground. The title picture shows an example (on the left), only here the cap has already opened, you need a shape when it is still closed. It is at this point that the plant is mild in taste, juicy and even a little sweet. These shoots can be eaten fresh, fried or boiled. 

Root fruits can also be harvested. These cobs, found in spring, form already in autumn on the root of the plant and are often dug up and eaten by wild boars. They can also be eaten by humans, boiled in the same way as a potato. Of course, they are significantly smaller in size than a potato.

Be careful and be absolutely sure you are picking the right plant!

Diet recipes

Field Horsetail with milk

1 glass of field horsetail inflorescence, 1 glass of milk, 15 gr. sugar.

The inflorescences of field Horsetail are washed and cut. Pour over milk, add sugar, mix and let stand for 5-10 minutes.

Field Horsetail filling for pies

200 gr. field Horsetail , 50 gr. onion, 1 egg, 4 tbsp. cream, salt.

The inflorescences of field Horsetail , cleaned and washed, are cut together with a boiled egg, added to the pan stewed onion and cream, mixed and used as a filling for patties.

Field Horsetail soup

300 gr. field horsetail inflorescences, 300 gr. potato, 40 gr. cream, salt.

Boil potatoes, add field Horsetail inflorescences and boil. Add cream to the soup before serving.

field Horsetail concoction

100 gr. field Horsetail , 100 gr. potatoes, 1 glass of milk, 1 egg, 10 gr. butter, salt.

Grind the inflorescences of the field Horsetail, add mashed potatoes and a mixture of milk, egg, salt, pepper and bake in the oven.

Spring cold soup of field Horsetail inflorescences

2 glasses of kvass, 2 boiled potatoes, 1 egg, 5-10 sorrel leaves, 1 tbsp. grated horseradish, 1 cup of field Horsetail , 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. cream, 60 gr. sausages, mustard, salt.

Boiled egg, sorrel and field Horsetail , sprinkle with kvass, add potato and horseradish, salt, add mustard and pieces of sausage, add cream.

Field Horsetail with mushrooms

200 gr. mushrooms, 150 gr. field horsetail inflorescences, 20 gr. butter, salt.

The inflorescences of field Horsetail are mixed with boiled mushrooms and fried in butter.

Field Horsetail fried in butter

200 gr. field Horsetail s, 60 gr. butter, salt.

Washed field Horsetail are boiled in breadcrumbs and fried in butter.

Field Horsetail stew with meat in a pot

200 gr. Inflorescence of field Horsetail , 200 gr. meat, 150 gr. potatoes, 20 gr. fat, 50 gr. cream.

Put a cut potato in the pot, a couple of pieces of meat, then the inflorescences of field Horsetail. Pour over the cream. The top of the pot is covered with dough, which is mixed with fat. Place the whole pot in the oven and cook until done.

Field Horsetail concoction with dried mushrooms

50 gr. dry mushrooms, 200 gr. field Horsetail inflorescences, 40 gr. cream, salt.

Soak dried mushrooms, grind in a meat grinder, mix with field Horsetail inflorescences, salt. Place everything in metal molds, cover with cream and bake in the oven.

Field Horsetail inflorescences cutlets

200 gr. field Horsetail inflorescence, 40 gr. semolina, 20 gr. breadcrumbs, 20 gr. of fat, 1 cup of milk.

Grind the inflorescences of field horsetail, mix with semolina porridge, which has been boiled in milk, form into meatballs, roll in breadcrumbs and bake in the oven.

Field Horsetail inflorescences omelette

3 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 2 glasses of field Horsetail inflorescences, 15 gr. butter.

Eggs are mixed with milk, chopped inflorescences are added, mixed. Pour the mixture onto a heated pan with butter. Cover the pan with a lid and bake in the oven.

Field Horsetail omelette with cheese

2 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 2 glasses of field Horsetail inflorescences, 15 gr. butter, 30 gr. grated cheese.

Prepare as in the previous recipe, only add cheese.

Cosmetic effect

Field Horsetail is an excellent source of silicon dioxide, a mineral that is necessary for maintaining healthy hair, nail strength, as well as for strengthening skin tissue - this is the main direction of application of tiruma broom in cosmetics. Silicon dioxide is also necessary in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, it improves cell regeneration and strengthens blood vessel walls.

Field Horsetail also contains such valuable elements as flavonoids (quercetin, luteolin), glycosides (kaempferol, apigenin), phenolic acids, saponins, alkaloids, other acids and phytochemical compounds.

Field Horsetail preparations are indicated in the classification as biopreparations and are used in cosmetics as an ingredient that has medicinal properties. Thanks to the fact that this ingredient promotes collagen synthesis, it reduces the expressiveness of skin wrinkles, increases skin firmness, improves skin texture and tone. This plant is used as an epithelium regenerator - it is provided by saponins and flavonoids.

Field Horsetail extract also has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling. This ingredient also limits the production of sebum in the skin and even affects/suppresses the ability of cancer cells to form. It is also interesting that field blackthorn is able to absorb gold ions in itself.

Tiruma horsetail extract has moderate antimicrobial activity - its phytocompounds are effective against many microbes and fungi. The plant extract suppresses the development of staphylococcus aureus, intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as salmonella. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help to prevent skin inflammations and all possible dermatological diseases.

Field Horsetail will also help in hair care. The extract of this plant will improve the texture and tone of the hair. Research has proven that silicon dioxide and its other active elements promote better hair growth, prevent dandruff, reduce hair loss, and prevent split ends.

Purity horseradish is an ideal ingredient for the delicate care of dry, sensitive, dull skin. In addition, it can be safely used on skin showing signs of aging.

Field Horsetail is used:

  • As a powerful exfoliant that cleans the skin without causing a drying effect;
  • As a refreshing and smoothing ingredient;
  • As a soothing, anti-inflammatory ingredient;
  • As a skin preparation, for the absorption of other cosmetics;
  • As a hair growth and structure enhancer;
  • As a component that strengthens the structure of hair, nails and skin.

Turumas horseradish also helps to solve various dermatological problems. Studies have determined that the plant's bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, strengthening and antioxidant properties help to treat wounds, rashes, burns, inflammation caused by acne. This remedy produces a pronounced therapeutic effect, even for serious problems, such as carbuncles and furuncles!

Purity horsetail can also help with flaky and brittle nails. Field Horsetail also contains active elements that strengthen the nails and help prevent white spots on them. According to Chinese traditions, this plant also helps to solve podological problems and even frostbite - it acts on capillaries and improves local microcirculation, preventing inflammation, redness, itching and blisters.

Field Horsetail products are also used to treat dental problems such as gingivitis, bleeding gums and ulcers (canker sores). This plant will also help in the treatment of tonsillitis - rinse your mouth with a product containing field mistletoe for 3 minutes.

When applied externally, the side effects of horsetail occur only in connection with an individual allergic reaction. Blackcurrant has a high content of tannins, alkaloids and nicotine, which in rare cases can cause side effects such as skin irritation and a feeling of tight skin.