common Toadflax


The common Toadflax is a perennial plant 30-60 cm high, rarely 90 cm. The root is columnar and has long creeping branches. The stems are branched with thick foliage.

Flowers of both sexes, zygomorphic (irregular), collected in thick, long inflorescences. The plant reproduces by seeds and roots. The plant blooms for a long time, from June to September. The seeds ripen from August.

The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. For drugs, the plant is harvested from June to August, after August the seeds are left to ripen. Collect the above-ground part of the plant, cutting it from the ground at a height of about 6 cm. The obtained plants are spread on a cloth 3-5 cm thick and dried in the fresh air, in a shady and ventilated place. Drugs are stored in paper bags or wooden boxes. The taste of finished drugs is relatively sharp, salty-bitter, storage time from 1-2 years.

The chemical composition of common Toadflax is provided by: alkaloid peganine, flavonoid glycosides (acetyl pectolinarin and linarin, linarizin, neolinarin, pectolinarin). Apart from that, phytosterols, triacanthine, organic acids (citric acid, scurdic acid, folic acid, malic and acetic acid), saponins, pectin substances and tannins, vitamin C, carotene are obtained from the common Toadflax . Common Toadflax seeds contain 32-35% vegetable fat. Glycosides release paraffins and hydrocarbon acid on hydrolysis.

Medicinal significance

The preparations (extracts and essences) of common Toadflax are endowed with many medicinal properties - astringent, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, pain-relieving, antiseptic, choleretic, anthelmintic, diuretic, mild stomach softening, cleansing, expectorant and generally strengthening.

The alkaloid peganine lowers arterial blood pressure, improves pulse and normalizes the activity of the heart contraction muscle, increases the tone of the uterus and intestines, regulates the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism.

The medicinal properties of common Toadflax are used in the folk medicine of various nations. In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions and infusions are mainly used to treat shortness of breath, edema, headache, dizziness (accompanied by vomiting), bladder diseases, nocturnal incontinence, hemorrhoids, diathesis, anemia, cystitis, kidney stone disease, ascaridosis, prostate hypertrophy in the early stages and gout. Common Toadflax can also be placed on oil and the resulting oil can be used to treat bedsores and muscles that need to restore functionality.

Common Toadflax is used in dermatology to treat skin inflammations, fungal diseases, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, scabies, dermatitis, papillomas, boils, boils. It can also be used against dandruff and itchy scalp, and it will improve hair growth.

For men

The plant produces a strong effect in case of prostate hypertrophy. In mixtures with other herbs, it is used to increase sexual arousal and enhance erection. It is also used to treat impotence and prostatitis.

Not recommended for use

Common Toadflax is a poisonous plant, therefore its toxicity should be taken into account before using it. Accordingly, any preparations that are made on the basis of the common Toadflax should be used with caution, paying particular attention to the exact dosage, in order to avoid any side effects (nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, heart failure, dizziness, headache, sharp pain in the abdominal area and even fainting).

Children, pregnant women, and lactating women should not use common Toadflax. Patients with cirrhosis of the liver, kidney and liver dysfunction, people with paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole should also not be used. Unequivocally, the course of treatment and dosage is determined by a specialist after getting to know the specifics of the patient's health.