common Nettle


Common Nettle is a perennial plant, up to 170 cm tall, with a long creeping, branched root and many small roots. Stems erect, four-sided, grooved. Leaves on petioles, ovate with a pointed tip, with a toothed margin.

Stems and leaves covered with stinging and burning hairs. The hairs are hard and fragile, so when they are pricked, they break off and release formic acid and histamine. Flowers small, unisex, green. Inflorescences placed in leaf axils, long, cob-like, bent. The fruit is an oval nut, yellow-gray in color, 1.2-1.5 cm long. The large nettle blooms from June to September.

Common Nettle leaves, which are collected during flowering, are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are cut along with the stems, allowed to twist and when the stinging disappears, the leaves are plucked. Dry in well-ventilated rooms or in dryers not exceeding 40-50C.

The leaves of nettle contain carotenoids (beta-carotene, violaxanthin, xanthophyll, xanthophyll-epoxide); vitamins C, K, B1, B2; tannins (up to 3.2%); chlorophyll (up to 5%); glycoside urticin, flavonoids (up to 1.95%): quercetin, isorhamnetin, kaempferol; organic acids (oxalic acid, formic acid, fumaric acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, citric acid, quinic acid); phenolic carbonate acids (caffeic acid, gallic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid); starch (up to 10%); alkaloids (0.010-0.29%): nicotine, histamine, acetylcholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine; coumarin esculetin; macro and micronutrients.

Medicinal significance

Common Nettle preparations are used in the case of increased menstrual bleeding, during the treatment and recovery of uterine erosion, in the case of climacteric bleeding, fibromyoma, as well as in postpartum and post-abortion cases to straighten the uterus.

Decoction of Common Nettle leaves is also used in case of liver and biliary tract problems and worm infestation. In stomatology, Common Nettle is also used for the prevention of periodontitis and gingivostomatitis.

In dermatology, this plant is also successfully applied externally in cases of eczema, skin rash, vitiligo (applied to depigmentation areas), furunculosis, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, to treat seborrhea and skin loss. It can also treat infected wounds and strengthen nasal blood capillaries (in case of frequent nosebleeds), treat burns, traumatic skin damage (bruises, cuts, etc.).

Common Nettle leaves are included in various biologically active herbal mixtures.

Common Nettle leaves are used as a blood rejuvenator, increase uterine tone, normalize ovarian menstrual cycle, reduce blood loss in cases of menometrorrhagia, accelerate blood clotting, increase the content of hemoglobin, thrombocytes and erythrocytes in peripheral blood. And Common Nettle has other medicinal properties.

In pharmacology, nettle is used as a vasoconstrictor, bile expeller, vitaminizing, urine expeller. Nettle also has properties that promote the regenerating processes of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

The large nettle activates the metabolism, enhances the activity of many enzymes and enzymes, regulates the activity of the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

The hemostatic properties of this plant are provided by the vitamin K contained in it, which stimulates the production of prothrombin in the liver - it is the most important factor promoting blood clotting.

The sum of the active substances, mainly vitamins and iron salts, which are present in the nettle, normalizes the lipid exchange in the body and has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of erythrocytes.

Nettle leaves increase the activity of the digestive glands and the amount of milk (in nursing mothers), reduce the level of sugar in the blood and urine.

The chlorophyll in nettle leaves has a stimulating and tonic effect, increases the basic metabolism, also promotes the tone of the muscles of the uterus and intestines, strengthens the work of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system. Stimulates granulation and epithelization of damaged tissues.

Nettle-based ointments have a phytoncide effect on staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococcus, and also treat skin problems that are resistant to antibiotics.

Preparations containing nettle can act prophylactically in case of atherosclerosis, anemia, bronchial asthma, vitamin deficiency. Nettle is a widely used herb in scientific medicine.

The use of nettle in folk medicine has been known for a long time. Even in the Middle Ages, it was widely used in case of lead poisoning, as well as in case of kidney stones.

In ancient times, scientists used this herb widely in the treatment of fever and cancer. Water infusions of nettle flowers, concentrated leaf infusions, and rhizome and root decoctions were used to treat rheumatism, colds, asthma, kidney disease, stomach, malaria, anemia, blood problems, worm infestation, and other problems.

Tautas medicīnā nātri pielieto dzemdes asiņošanas, balto ziedu, menstruāciju traucējumu gadījumā. Nātre, palīdzēs arī atjaunot asins sastāvu un dziedēt brūces. Ar nātres novārījumiem taisa kompreses un skalo augoņus. Ar žāvētu augu palīdzību mazināja asiņošanu no deguna, ar svaigām lapām dziedēja karpas.

Tautas medicīnā nātres lapu uzlējumu pielieto nieru un žults ceļu, nierakmeņu, dizentērijas, hronisku aizcietējumu, elpceļu, hemoroīdu, asa locītavu un muskuļu reimatisma, podagras gadījumos.

Nereti nātres lieto profilaktiski, kā asins attīrošu līdzekli, kas attīra asins sastāvu dažādu ādas problēmu gadījumā. Nātres ziedus lieto arī elpceļu ārstēšanā, atkrēpošanas veicināšanai. Sastāvā ar citām zālītēm to izmanto tuberkulozes ārstēšanā.

Nātrei ir viena unikāla īpašība- tā spēj atjaunot maņu- smaržu.


Lielās nātres saknes sevī ietver tādus savienojumus, kā liposteroīdo kompleksu, kurš bloķē globulīna darbību, saista dzimuma hormonus un bremzē testosterona pārveidošanos, kas nepieciešams normālam prostatas audu stāvoklim. Ir veikti klīniski eksperimenti ar svaigām lielās nātres saknēm, kuras ekstrahētas spirtā. Šis ekstrakts lieliski iedarbojās uz prostatas adenomu.

Nātres sēklas iedarbojas stimulējoši un palielina vīrieša seksuālo interesi. Līdzvērtīgs efekts ir no jaunas nātres, ja to ēd salātos, kopā ar sīpolu un olām.

Lielo nātri izmanto, lai ārstētu prostatas adenomu, neauglību, impotenci, biežas pollūcijas, spermatoreju, akūtu un hronisku prostatītu, kā arī lai pastiprinātu erekciju.

Not recommended for use

It is not recommended to use nettle preparations for people with increased blood clotting, hypertension and atherosclerosis, and it is also undesirable to use it for people with bleeding caused by cysts, polyps and various forms of uterine tumors. The big nettle should be used especially carefully by kidney patients.

Medicinal Recipes

Nettle leaves: pour 10g (2 tablespoons) of the drug into an enameled container, pour 200ml of boiling water over it, heat it in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool it at room temperature for 45 minutes, separate the thicknesses and squeeze them, add the resulting setting to the original volume. The resulting solution is stored in a cool place for no longer than 2 days. Use ¼-1/2 cup 3-5 times a day as a means to stop bleeding.

Decoction of nettle roots: boil 20 grams of the drug in 200 grams of sugar syrup for 15 minutes - there are recipes where it is recommended to add honey, but it is better not to boil the honey - serve it as is. Use one tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Nettle leaf juice: take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals, in case of gallstones and kidney stones; 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day in case of internal bleeding. The juice is pressed from April to September. The standard dose is 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Decoction of nettle seeds: pour 25 g of drug with 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, let it rest for 1 hour, separate the thickets and add honey to taste. Used at night.

The roots of the large nettle are stronger than the surface part. In the case of diseases such as anemia, liver disease, rheumatism, reduced blood clotting, diabetes, acute gastritis, enterocolitis, internal bleeding, various ureteral diseases, kidney stone disease, 1st and 2nd stage prostate adenoma, nettle roots and leaves are used - 1 tablespoon of the drug is sprinkled with boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, separating the thickets. Drink one glass in the morning and in the evening, for 1-1.5 months.

Nettle seed powder is also taken orally, 2-4 grams, 3-4 times a day in case of kidney stones and bronchitis.

Decoction of nettle: take 5 tablespoons of chopped nettle (leaves and stems), pour 0.5L of boiling water over it, keep it on low heat for 5 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes and separate the layers. It is used to improve heart function by ½ cup 4 times a day, you can add honey and sugar.

The leaves are used to lower blood sugar. In dried form, they are mixed into sour milk or yogurt, at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry leaves per 1 glass.

Nettle is effective in acute and chronic inflammation of the small intestine. Externally, nettle is used for skin itching, thrush, joint pain, dandruff and hair loss. Mixing nettle root with garlic root and a decoction of burdock root makes an excellent hair care product. Rub the scalp with this product after washing your hair. Treated for 2 weeks. The course can be repeated for 1-2 weeks, 4-6 months.

Nettle seeds are highly rated for treating male line problems! To strengthen men's strength: 1. Boil nettle seeds as a tea and drink 30 minutes before meals and 1 hour after meals. 2. Pour 0.5L of good grape red wine over 20 grams of nettle seeds, leave for one week and separate the pulp. Use one tablespoon three times a day. 3. Mix crushed seeds with honey and red wine, use 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day to increase sexual interest and increase potency.

Stinging nettle can also be used to get rid of unwanted hair by making an oil extract. Nettle oil (from the seed to get rid of hairs): pour 40 grams of crushed nettle seeds with 100 grams of vegetable oil. We keep this mixture for two weeks. Then we separate the layers and pour the extract into a dark glass container. This oil is applied to the skin no more than twice a day, in the necessary place. It is best to store it in the refrigerator, in a sealed container.

Importance of food

The young leaves and seeds of nettle are used in food. Wash the new leaves before use to lose their "sting". Nettle leaves are used in salads, soups, stews and as an addition to various meat dishes. The plant does not have a specific taste and together with other plants, it can also be considered relatively neutral. In the diet, nettle (Utrica urens) can also be used equally, especially people who have a negative reaction to vitamin K, because nettle does not contain this vitamin.

Diet recipes

Salad from nettle

200 gr. young nettles, 30 gr. onion, 20 gr. parsley, 25 gr. walnut. Rinse the washed nettle leaves for 5 minutes, place on a sieve to drain and add to the salad. Chop. Chopped walnuts are added to ¼ cup nettle decoction, vinegar is added, mixed and used for salad. Add the rest of the greens to the salad.

Nettle salad with egg

150 gr. young nettles, 1 egg, 20 gr. cream, salt, vinegar to taste.

Boil washed leaves in water for 5 minutes, drain and chop, add vinegar, cover with egg and add cream.

Soup from nettle

150 gr. young nettles, 50 gr. sorrel, 5 gr. carrot, 5 gr. parsley, 20 gr. onion, 15 gr. bow, 5 gr. wheat flour, 10 gr. butter, 0.5 eggs, 15 gr. cream, bay leaves, salt, pepper to taste.

Young nettles are boiled in water for 3 minutes, dried, ground in a meat grinder and stewed with fat for 10-15 minutes. Finely cut carrots, parsley, onions are stewed in a pan in fat. Put nettle, stewed vegetables, onion in boiling broth (water) and cook for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes until the soup is ready, add the white sauce, bay leaf, pepper, cloves and sorrel.

Nettle potato soup

250 gr. young nettles, 120 gr. sorrel, 250 gr. potato, 10 gr. carrot, 80 gr. onion, 20 gr. animal fat, 1 egg, 20 gr. cream.

Rinse the nettle in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain on a sieve and finely chop, stew in fat for 10 minutes. Carrots and onion are chopped and stewed in a pan. Put potatoes in a boiling pot, let it boil, add nettle, carrot, onion and cook until ready. Acid and white sauce are added 5-10 minutes before the soup is ready. Before serving, cut an egg and add cream.

The big nettle in Georgian taste

600 gr. large nettle, 80 gr. melted butter, 120 gr. onion, 8 eggs, green cilantro, salt to taste.

Boil nettles in salted water for 5 minutes, drain on a sieve. Sauté onion in hot oil on a pan, add boiled nettle and cilantro, salt and melted butter, mix well and stew for 10 minutes.

Then add fresh eggs, salt and fry on the stove. Then put it in the oven and finish cooking.

Dagestani dumplings with nettle

300 gr. young nettle, 260 gr. wheat flour, 2 eggs, 50 gr. onion, 20 gr. melted butter.

The dough is made from wheat flour, eggs, salt and warm water (35C). Let the dough rest for 30 minutes, roll out to a thickness of 2 mm.

For the filling, chop nettle, fry onions in oil in a pan and mix with nettle. Prepare the dumplings and cook them in salted water as usual. Serve with cream or butter.

Nettle puree with vegetable oil

1 kg of nettles, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. vegetable oils, horseradish and salt as desired.

Boil nettle leaves in lightly salted water, drain on a sieve, chop, cover with flour, add 2-3 tablespoons of nettle decoction, mix and stew. Stir continuously until it increases in volume.

Add ground horseradish, onion fried in vegetable oil. Serve as a side dish to other dishes.

Big nettle pilaf in the Romanian taste

500 gr. young nettles, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 cup of rice, salt as desired.

Sort and boil the nettle, fry the onion, add the rice and fry again. Separate the nettle from the water, cut it, put it in a pot and add the fried rice with onions. Add 2 cups of nettle decoction, add salt and put in the oven for 20 minutes (until the rice is ready). Plovu is served chilled.

Great nettle phalī

500 gr. young nettles, 3 tablespoons of melted butter, 3 onions, 4 sprigs of dill, 2 eggs, salt to taste.

Boil nettle in salted water. Dill and parsley are added to the fried onion, mixed with boiled nettle and stewed until done. Then sprinkle with beaten eggs and bake until done.

Salted nettle

Young nettle shoots and leaves are rinsed, chopped and put in glass jars and salted with an estimate of 50 gr. per 1 kg of nettle.

Nettle powder

Dried nettle leaves are crushed into powder. The powder is used in soups, sauces, omelets, porridges.

Nettle juice

1 kg of young nettles, 1 L of water.

Grind the young shoots and leaves in a meat grinder, add 0.5L of cooled boiled water, mix, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. The squeeze is ground a second time and water is added - again squeezed through cheesecloth. Mix the two portions together.

The resulting juice can be used for various drinks and supplements. For longer storage, the juice is filled in jars, pasteurized at 65-70C for 15 minutes, tightly sealed and stored in a cool place.

Nettle drink with milk

4 tbsp. large nettle juice, 1 glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 glass of water. Dissolve honey in water, add nettle juice, milk. Mix and cool.

Great nettle cocktail

4 tablespoons of nettle juice, 2 glasses of birch juice, 4 tablespoons port wine, 4 ice cubes.

Pour birch juice into glasses, add nettle juice and port wine, mix, add ice and serve.

Nettle syrup

1 kg of nettle, 0.5 kg of honey, 1 L of water. Pass the leaves through a meat grinder, add 3 glasses of water, boil, separate the pulp through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is mixed with honey, the remaining water is added, boiled, cooled and bottled. Store in a cool place.

Butter with nettle

500 gr. butter, 65 gr. nettles and clover ground through a meat grinder, 35 gr. grated horseradish.

Mix ground nettles and clover with horseradish and butter. Used in sandwiches and as an additive to ready-made cereal dishes.

Filling for pies from nettle

1 kg of young nettles, 5 eggs, 100 gr. rice. The nettles are poured with boiling water and kept for 5 minutes, drained on a sieve, chopped, mixed with boiled rice and a boiled egg. Salt as desired.

Cosmetic significance

Nettle extracts are present in cosmetics at 1-2% of the total mass, in hair care products up to 10%. Stinging nettle extract is used as:

  • Antiaging ingredients . The nettle extract tones the smooth muscles of the face and has a lifting effect, removes edema, prevents couperosis, stimulates cell metabolism, improves complexion, protects from sun exposure.
  • Anti-inflammatory agent . Nettle remedies quickly stop bleeding from wounds and scratches, have an antiseptic and mild analgesic effect, stimulate cell regeneration and close wounds.
  • Detergent. Thanks to the tannins contained in the nettle extract, it cleans and closes pores, regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, soothes irritated skin, fights against fungi and microbes, and relieves acne.
  • Strengthening agent . Stinging nettle extract stimulates hair growth by reducing the production of male hormones, relieves dandruff, removes static charge from hair, gives hair strength and shine.

It is not recommended to use nettle extract in medicated cosmetics:

  • In case of increased blood clotting;
  • In case of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • In case of tumors, kidney diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • If there is an increased sensitivity to this plant.