clustered Bellflower
 Campanula glomerata


The bellflower is a perennial plant, 15-85 cm tall. One plant has several stems. They are densely covered with soft hairs, erect, grayish-green. Rhizome obliquely raised. The lower leaves are elongated ovate or ovate, located on long petioles. Upper leaves sessile.

The plant begins to bloom in June and blooms throughout the summer. The flowers are small, regular, bluish-violet in color, densely collected at the top of the plant, arranged in a dense bunch inflorescence. The last inflorescences form up to 20 flowers and it is from them that the fruits are later formed. Bell-shaped flower with fused petals.

The seeds develop into a fruit-box, the base of which has three openings. The plant reproduces by seed and vegetatively. However, you should know that a new plant starts to form from seeds only 2-3 years after sowing.

The above-ground part of the plant - leaves, stems and flowers - is collected for medicinal purposes. Harvesting is done in summer - during flowering. The plant is dried in a well-ventilated and shaded place on sieves, then it is finely chopped. The dried plant is stored in paper bags for up to 2 years.

The chemical composition of bellflower is still being studied, but it is known that the plant contains about 20 flavonoids (<0.77%), among them quercetin and kaempferol. Vitamin C (<1290mg%), carotene, coumarin acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, as well as polyacetyl alcohols.

Medicinal significance

As a result of clinical studies, at the Chinese Medical University (Taizhou City), it was proven that the coumarins present in the plant affect the development of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) cells, reduce the blood clotting process. The flavonoid kaempferol in the plant promotes the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. This active substance has a strengthening effect on the body, has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, relieves edema, and is considered a diuretic. It has been proven that the unique flavonoid compounds, which are found in the bulbous watch, are able to reduce the fragility of blood capillaries, are able to normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Ascorbic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an expectorant effect, fighting colds.

Thanks to its many valuable properties, the clustered Bellflower has also found its use in folk medicine. Water solutions are used to rinse the oral cavity to prevent inflammatory processes (stomatitis, gingivitis), treat colds and angina. It is taken orally for headaches, rosacea and stomach spasms and as a diuretic.

Clustered Bellflower preparations are useful to use in cases of animal bites: compresses, applications, when used locally. Externally, the powder of this plant is used to treat scabies and eczema. Glaucoma, flu, colds, constipation, atherosclerosis and syphilis are treated with a water infusion of the plant.

The valuable properties of the plant are also known in gynecological practice: decoctions and infusions are effective in case of strong and painful menstruation.

A decoction of plants can also be used in baths to treat (reduce) the manifestations of epilepsy. In the past, babies were bathed in a decoction of clockwork, it was used on par with medicinal chamomile.

Applications from a decoction of the clustered Bellflower are effective in treating eczema, dermatitis, neuroses, depressive states and scrofula.

Not recommended for use

This herb cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, nor should it be used by people with acute or chronic illnesses. This plant is also not recommended for people under 18 years of age.