Bladder wrack


Bladder wrack is dark olive brown, attached to rocky substrates, can grow up to 2 m. Bladder wrack has many morphological adaptations that are beneficial to its growing conditions. First of all, blisters have formed along the veining in the foliage of the Bladder wrack, which contain air that is able to keep the algae above the water, the blisters are formed at the end of summer. Second, they have a root-like structure that connects the vesicular fucus to the substrate. Bladder wrack has no ductal tissue. The trunk of the Bladder wrack branches dichotomously - at each point of branching, the trunk divides into two equal trunks.

The Bladder wrack is collected with the help of sieves. It is dried quickly in a shady place, preferably in a draft. As the fuka dries, it acquires a dark brown to black color, as well as a specific aroma of the sea. In addition to dried burdock root, burdock root extract and oil extract are also used in medicine. The collected plant is stored in a dark and cool place, the storage time is allowed up to 2 years.

Bladder wrack contains a wide range of microelements and macroelements (more than 40), including iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, silicon, magnesium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, boron, barium and others, amino acids, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D3, E, K, F, H, PP), organic acids (alginic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, etc.), fibers, polysaccharides (alginates, laminaran, fucoidan), polyphenols. The medicinal drug includes 0.9% organically bound iodine, high in mucilage (basarin). Bladder wrack contains the most fucoidans - calcium salts of fucoid acid.

Medicinal significance

Bladder wrack preparations act as anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, regenerating, antibacterial, pain-relieving, sedative, calming, immune system stimulating, diuretic, bile-repelling, detoxifying, antisclerotic, anticoagulant agent.

Bladder wrack normalizes the synthesis of sex hormones, reduces the possibility of tumors of the genitals and mammary glands, stimulates the full functioning of the thyroid gland, reduces the cholesterol content in the blood, and also supplements the human body with the necessary amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega type.

Bladder wrack stimulates the cardiovascular system, making the walls of blood vessels more flexible and durable, acts as a powerful detoxifying agent, which is indispensable in the removal of various toxins from the body.

The fucoidan present in the plant creates a strong biological activity, as an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it is counted among the polyvalent biomodulators.. Fucoidan lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. American researchers point out that its anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic activity is no less important - it helps stop the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumors.

The alginates contained in bladder wrack help to remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body, as well as regulate cholesterol and water-salt metabolism, normalize digestion and clean the intestinal tract. When this plant enters the stomach, it thickens, reducing the feeling of appetite, which is useful for losing excess weight. Alginates also help to heal wounds and burns, prevent the development of infection in damaged tissues.

The laminarin contained in the Bladder wrack strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the blood supply of the heart and brain, reduces the possibility of blood clots and tumors, strengthens immunity, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and promotes better sleep.

The iodine contained in the Bladder wrack normalizes the metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer, activates the breakdown of fat and enhances lipolysis, contributing to the disappearance of excess weight, as well as the disappearance of cellulite.

Folk healers use blister fuku especially widely for the treatment of various diseases, as well as to cleanse the body of slags, toxic substances, heavy metals and radionuclides. With the help of this plant, the metabolism is normalized, the functioning of the digestive tract is normalized, immunity is strengthened, it is used as an oncoprophylactic agent, as a health-restoring and caring agent after a long illness or antibiotic courses. Also, this plant is active against allergic reactions of various origins, respiratory, nervous and vascular diseases.

However, the most important direction of folk medicine in which Bladder wrack is used is the stabilization and treatment of the thyroid gland, arthritis and joint pain, obesity, iodine deficiency, constipation.

Bladder wrack is effective for reducing weight, because its components stimulate metabolism, slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, reduce the blood sugar level, and thanks to the fibers, they promote the functioning of the intestinal tract - cleaning it and reducing the possibility of fat absorption.

Bladder wrack can also be used by women during the climacteric period, as well as to normalize the menstrual cycle, as well as to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Not recommended for use

There are practically no side effects to Bladder wrack, except in the case when the patient suffers from hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Pregnant women should use it with caution. It is recommended to use Bladder wrack for no longer than 12-14 days, with a break for a couple of weeks.

Using Bladder wrack in its pure form and in large quantities can cause disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as provoke mild poisoning.

It should be remembered that the Baltic Sea is completely polluted. it is worth thinking about whether to collect this plant!